Nic Gray

Nic Gray

United States Army

Nic Gray, born and raised in Eugene, Oregon, in 1979, followed an unconventional path in his life that led him to become the CEO of USJAG (Uniformed Services Justice & Advocacy Group), an organization dedicated to ending wrongful discharges of injured active-duty service members. After graduating from South Eugene High School in 1997, he chose not to pursue higher education and embarked on a franchise career.

Nic's first job after high school was with a franchise development group, where he was responsible for opening and managing Jamba Juice locations. He later transitioned to another franchise development group and worked with Red Robin. In 2003, he accepted a managing partner position with an Italian restaurant chain.

In 2004, while witnessing the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars unfold on television, Nic felt compelled to join the fight and contribute directly. Motivated by this newfound sense of purpose, he visited an Army recruiting station and began the enlistment process. Although initially offered a counterintelligence position after completing the ASVAB test, he ultimately decided to join the armor division.

In July 2004, Nic underwent basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and his first duty station was Camp Casey in South Korea. However, after eight months, he was sent back to the United States to Fort Riley, Kansas, in preparation for a deployment to Iraq. Due to changing circumstances and declining support for the war efforts, the deployment was eventually canceled.

In June 2006, Nic prepared for another deployment, and in late September, he arrived in Kuwait before finally being stationed in Baghdad, Iraq. During his year-long deployment as a gunner, his company's primary responsibilities included providing convoy security and conducting nighttime reconnaissance missions.

After completing his deployment, Nic returned to the United States in September 2007 and was honorably released from active duty as a Non-commissioned Officer. He relocated to Colorado Springs, Colorado, where he started his own business. However, his life took a drastic turn on October 21, 2009.

That night, Nic found himself in jail, facing serious charges, including two felonies and several misdemeanors. He had experienced a flashback to his time in the Iraq War and, feeling disoriented, began "clearing houses" in his neighborhood, behaving like he was in a combat situation.

In his darkest hour, Nic's life took an unexpected turn when two individuals from USJAG, Robert Alvarez and Andrew Pogány, intervened on his behalf. Although he wasn't on active duty then, they advocated for his admission into the Veterans Trauma Court, a program designed to rehabilitate veterans facing legal issues stemming from their service rather than incarcerating them. This intervention provided Nic with a second chance at life.

After graduating from the Veterans Trauma Court program, Nic pursued an undergraduate degree in business management. He then founded a venture-backed software company, which, although it didn't result in a massive financial success, equipped him with the valuable experiences and skills needed to navigate the startup business world.

Nic's unique life experiences and skill set prepared him for his current role as the CEO of USJAG. In 2021, he was asked by Robert B. Alvarez, the Founder, and COO of USJAG, to take on the position, which he willingly accepted. Nic now sees the events of 2009 as a catalyst for his purpose in life—to orchestrate a strategy and vision to end wrongful discharges of injured active-duty service members.

Nic embraces this significant life challenge personally and professionally with a deep sense of humility and honor. He recognizes that his role is not about himself but about helping those who require the assistance of USJAG.