“We love this place called America; many of us volunteered to die for it.”

Letter from the Founder

Robert B. Alvarez

On September 16th, I celebrate another milestone in my life. Another year, another trip around the sun.

Those of you who know me, know my family is of Cuban descent, and most of us came to this country with little or nothing.

We are now lawyers, teachers, CPAs, and business owners.

Many have served this nation in gratitude for all that it has blessed us with.

We love this nation.

We love this place called America, and many of us volunteered to die for it.

Most people know my passion is fighting for those who fought for us. Those who have survived the battle but have done so at the expense and sacrifice of their health and all of their life’s dreams.

This nation owes them, however, often it targets these injured soldiers, ignorantly labeling them as “slackers” or “malingerers.”

I have attended many of the funerals of those who have given up; taken their own lives as a result of these practices. I carry this grief in perpetuity.

I have spent the last 15-plus years fighting for, defending, and triumphing over these evil attempts to strip these broken heroes of their honor and winning hundreds of cases.

I do it proudly and pro bono as all who are a part of this great organization do. We take no salary nor remuneration, often opening our own wallets and purses to find the means to fight for these broken warriors.

I do this as part of an organization known as USJAG (Uniformed Services Justice & Advocacy Group) a 501(c)(3) that has no employees, only volunteers, mostly veterans who know the ugly truth.

On this day, I celebrate my life and its journey. I ask if you are able; to give a little to those who have given you all so much.

When you wake tomorrow and breath the air of freedom you so take for granted, remember some broken soldiers have lost the battle and died. The ones who have survived, are broken in eternity, and need your support to protect their benefits, and for someone to fight for them.

This is what USJAG does. We fight for those who can’t fight for themselves anymore. We fight for those who fought for you.

We don’t give out T-shirts, key chains, or backpacks with our logo. We give soldiers a voice, a battle buddy who stands toe to toe with those who would leave them out on the street with broken families, wounded, and unable to support themselves.

We hold our government accountable to do the right thing and give these men what Abraham Lincoln promised, “To care for him who hath borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.“

A sacred promise that is left unchecked and one our military dishonors, leaving these broken men and women to die.

And we do this for free because we believe it is our duty, our honor, and our nation's responsibility.

Please help us.

Ask your friends to help us, repost this, and share it with your friends and family.

Give a little if you can. Give a lot if you can. One dollar or five dollars; whatever you can spare.

You truly will help us save a life or many.

This is how you thank a soldier.

This is how you wish me a Happy Birthday.

This is what a life well lived means to me.

To give to those, who truly deserve our help.